Business Loans Massachusetts
Small Business and Commercial Business Loans in MA
UniBank offers Massachusetts small business loans and commercial loans to larger businesses. Outlined below are the types of Massachusetts business loans we offer.
Fast Track Loan or Line of Credit
UniBank’s Fast Track1 Loan or Line of Credit for small businesses streamline the application and approval process. This allows your business to get the loan or line of credit you need as quickly and easily as possible. If you have been in business for longer than one year and need a loan or line of credit for an amount up to $150,000, Fast Track may be the right option for you.
Lines of Credit
A line of credit gives you the extra funds you need quickly and easily for all your short-term borrowing purposes. Your commercial line of credit has a pre-determined dollar limit and is subject to annual review and renewal. To make it easy for you, monthly payments can be deducted from your checking account.
Term Loans
Generally used to purchase fixed assets (other than real estate) including machinery, equipment or vehicles, and may also be used to refinance business debt.
Commercial Mortgages
May be used for the purchase, construction, expansion/renovation, or refinance of commercial real estate.
Standby Letters of Credit
An obligation made by UniBank to back up a commercial customer’s monetary guarantee to perform a certain service or to pay a specified amount to a designated beneficiary. This may allow you to purchase from new vendors and expand your market even more.
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans
- Commercial mortgages
- Term Loans
- Lines of credit
Small Business Administration (SBA) Veterans Line of Credit
2.99%2 Annual Percentage Rate for 12 Months
You served us, now let us serve you. UniBank’s SBA Veterans Business Line of Credit is designed exclusively for military service members, veterans, and their spouses.
- Borrow up to $350,000
- Guarantee Fee Waived
- Assistance with Business Plan
1 Fast Track Loans and Lines of Credit are subject to credit approval.
2 Proof of service required: For active military service members and spouses, please provide a military ID. For veterans and spouses you must provide form DD214 as proof of service status to qualify. This offer is available for a limited time and requires a business checking account. After 12 months, the Business Line of Credit converts to Prime +2%. Valid to military service members, veterans and their spouses. Must have a qualifying military ID. Some credit restrictions may apply. Loans subject to credit approval. Subject to sba.gov eligibility requirements.

Business Deposits

Cash Management